Need Help Earning PMI PDU’s?

You worked so hard passing the PMP test, why aren’t you keeping up with your PDU’s (professional development units)? 45 PMI PDUs in One Week Yes, I posted 45 PDU’s in one week.  I’m glad I started doing this and…

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Will You Join My Virtual PMP Study Group?

If I build a PMP study group webinar service, “Will You Join?” This is not a sales page.  It’s a web page measuring demand for a new web service of mine.  If you are leaving a comment on this web…

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Build Your Own PMP Study Group

My Next PMP Study Group Webinar is Saturday, March 28, 2015 Would you like to learn more about the March 28 webinar and to register for it? Please click here. (Out of respect for my global audience, I am now…

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Most Cost Effective PMP Resource

What’s the most cost effective PMP resource you can purchase on the Internet? This is what a customer wrote on PMZilla, unsolicited praise for what some people call Richard’s 47 spreadsheet (it’s PMI’s 47 processes with my memorization techniques).  The customer…

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