How to Pass the PMP Test

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I passed my PMP test in June of 2013 and then created a YouTube video discussing my method for passing the PMP test.  I think my advice on passing the PMP is timeless so it should apply to PMBOK 5 and PMBOK 6 going forward.

How to Memorize the 47 Processes for the PMP Test

Many people were interested in purchasing my 47 processes spreadsheet and my study guide template for building their own PMP Study Guide.  You can visit learn PMP’s 47 Processes to make a simple purchase for less than $5 U.S.  It’s worth the money.

My “How to Pass the PMP Test” YouTube Video

Here’s my YouTube video.  In it you will find references to PMBOK 4 and the 42 processes at that time.  Obviously, we are now using PMBOK 5 and we have 47 processes.  But the advice given in the video remains timeless whether you are studying to pass the PMP for PMBOK 5 or PMBOK 6, whenever it becomes the standard.

My Method and Study Techniques for Passing the PMP Test

Here’s a snapshot taken from my YouTube video.  Over time, on this blog, I’ll describe many of those techniques.  For now, here are my tools and techniques for passing the PMP test.

How to Pass the PMP Test
How to Pass the PMP Test

More YouTube Videos to Come

I have created over a dozen YouTube videos on passing the PMP.  Over time you’ll see all of them on this blog site:  Richard Kraneis.

Perhaps you’d like to visit Richard Kraneis on YouTube, see all of my videos, and subscribe to my channel.  That would be nice.

Thanks for Visiting “How to Pass the PMP Test” Today

Thanks for visiting Richard Kraneis today.  I hope that this blog post on How to Pass the PMP Test has given you new advice and techniques on passing the PMP test.

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charles bergman says:

You should leave out any reference to PMBOK 4 and modify the video to show 47 processes.

admin says:


I respect your opinion. Early in the blog post I indicated the video is “timeless” and stands as good advice for any version of PMBOK.

Now, at your suggestion, I immediately preface the video indicating it refers to PMBOK 4 and the 42 processes. But the advice remains solid whether you have PMBOK 5 and 47 processes or some other version of PMBOK.


Ayan Roy says:

Hi Richard,

Thanks for your videos in Youtube.
It was really informative and very well explained

Ayan Roy

admin says:


Did you pass the PMP test yet?

Hope so.


Ayan Roy says:

Hi Richard,

Thanks for your response.
My preparations are going on with 1 mock tests daily.
I am targeting to appear the test in mid of Jan 2016.
Currently not worrying about the upcoming changes


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